Marketplace statistics 🔗

These stats are here for you, the BlenderKit creators, to help you better focus your efforts. You can better target categories where there aren't enough assets and yet there is a lot of financial potential.

It's important to remember that the way our Fair Share system works, it's always about quality. There are no shortcuts, and the creators who are most successful are always people who already have enough experience in the 3D industry. Therefore, sometimes it's a good idea to focus your efforts on improving your skills on fewer assets rather than trying to upload mediocre work in large quantities.

Asset earnings

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It may be a good idea to focus on categories where there is no model yet. There are many of those, but these statistics don't show them. You can find these categories in the upload panel directly in the add-on.

All tables are generated from the last 30 days of data. Click on the table header if you want to sort the table by another parameter.

Most popular searches

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