During the American Civil War, various types of cannon horse teams without national emblems were used. A well-known artillery cannon used during this period was the Parrott gun. These cannons were manufactured in various sizes and were used both as field guns and as fortress and siege artillery. The inventor, Robert Parker Parrott, built the first cannon named after him in 1860. The Timber was a vehicle specifically designed to transport artillery pieces. It was used to tow the heavy cannon and ensure its mobility on the battlefield. The mount was the frame on which the cannon was mounted. It provided stability and allowed the cannon to adjust various elevation and windage angles. During the Civil War, the cannon horse teams were used in various battles and theaters of war. They played an important role in supporting the infantry and cavalry troops. The horses supplied with the Blender model are only to be viewed as dummies to show how the horse bridle is harnessed. Please use your own horse characters or those from Blender kit. You can open the Timber seat box and it contains cannon powder and cannon balls. You can also open the box on the carriage where you will find the coils that are loaded between the powder and the bullet. I wish you a lot of fun with the model and may your scenes be successful.