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add-on: Final Topology For Artists
Blender 3D add-on that introduces subdivision snapping, retopo and modeling tools from the 21st century.
This Blender 3D add-on features many tools that were missing and also organizes some simple, but essential tools for polygonal modeling. Enhanced version adds extra tools for professional CAD and automotive industry modellers.
Inverse subdivision snapping: snaps mesh vertices in edit mode so that if the subdivision modifier is used, the resulting surface is as close as possible to the surface.
Live, or 'Simulation' mode of this tool, which works realtime during modeling
Neighbours levels, Number of iteration settings
Single step operator that can be called with a shortcut with arbitrary number of iterations.
Unsubdivide - takes a mesh that resulted from a subdivision modifier being applied (In blender or in any other application) and recreates the original low-resolution mesh. -has settings for number of subdivisions, number of iterations of the algorithm. Higher interation numbers yield precise results.
Shape Freeze - Enables to change topology of Subdivision surface model while keeping the resulting shape as same as possible. (TODO)
Basic instructions:
Read tooltips directly in the add-on. Every button should have enough info to use the tool.
You need to have a mesh that has Subdivision surface modifier on. Any other modifiers will turn off during interaction.