"Blender 3D model of a detailed eight-year-old girl with textures and clothing, inspired by famous cheerleader T. K. Padmini and designed by Rajesh Soni. Perfect for mobile games and personal data avatars."
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Airbus A320
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VW Beetle wreck
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Cartoon turtle
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"Highly realistic 3D model of a cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato on a bun, ideal for Blender 3D scenes. Perfect for AI app icons, displaying umami flavors, and showcasing the expertise of Huang Ding and the use of raytracing techniques. A mouthwatering delight on a wooden tray, ready to elevate your CGI projects in Blender 3D."
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"Realistic Arefed plant in a black vase, optimized for Blender 3D. Detailed model with attractive lighting, ideal for indoor nature scenes. Carbon fibers and palm body highlight the intrinsic design of this 3D model."
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