"Metal hinges for doors on black surface - 3D model for Blender 3D. Pivot point for opening and closing doors - inspired by Leo Leuppi and in-game 3D model design. Perfect for game UI assets and carpentry projects."
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"3D model of Masjeed Mosque, a stunning Islamic building with a green dome and minarets inspired by Andrzej Wróblewski. Created using Blender 3D software, this in-game model features fully detailed faces and intricate girih patterns. Perfect for Steam workshop and unused design projects."
Full Plan
"Stadium-inspired wooden room 3D model for Blender 3D with detailed textures, featuring a lamp and shelf. Perfect for motion graphics projects. Created by Dom Qwek and inspired by Kōshirō Onchi's artwork."
Full Plan
"Blender 3D model of a barn yard storage with blue roof and steeple, featuring a circus wagon sculpt and New England architecture. Great for 3D printing and farm-themed designs."
Free Plan