Caspio Vase
Full Plan
"3D model of an intricately designed incense burner inspired by the manga Martial Peak. This Blenderkit creation showcases a large metal object with a stand, diffuse texture, smoke grenades, gorget, unshaded wok, miniaturecore, grills, and a bronze clear face. The scene also includes a chimney emitting smoke and scattered floating particles. Perfect for Blender 3D enthusiasts seeking an authentic and detailed 3D model experience."
Free Plan
Mirror Circle
Free Plan
"High-quality Mango 3D model with 4k texture for Blender 3D software. Realistic and detailed close-up shot of a mango on a black surface, perfect for tabletop game props or food-related projects. Created using photoscan technology and inspired by the works of renowned artists Antoni Brodowski and Charles Fremont Conner."
Free Plan
Sand Lock
Full Plan
Wooden clock
Free Plan