"Lowpoly Tank 3D model for Blender 3D, perfect for military games and shooting with minimal memory usage. Inspiring design influenced by Adolf Schrödter. Suitable for 3D renderings and 3D printing."
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"Explore the terrain in this sleek and detailed 3D model of a post-apocalyptic, hardsurface armored Futuristic Jeep for Blender 3D. With 4K textures, this military-inspired design is perfect for sci-fi and Mad Max-style projects. Rendered in Unreal Engine 5 with HDR on for a stunning, panoramic anamorphic view."
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"Blender 3D model of the directional anti-personnel Claymore mine, invented by Norman MacLeod for the US Armed Forces. Command-detonated and directional, it can be victim-activated for area denial operations. Realistic depiction with electrical appendages and a cosmic weapon."
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